Dolores Pérez Islas
Business -Consulting -Investment
Instagram: Dolores Perezi
Facebook: Dolores Pérez Islas
At the time of acquiring a property, different issues come into play, as customers, and even more if you are a first- timer, there can be many doubts or aspects that we do not know but are very important in the buying-selling process, even more so when you acquire a property in pre-sale, this refers to marketing the property when it is still under construction.
First of all, we have the basic and compulsory question; what does the price include? Parking, finishes and what kind, amenities, what features, equipment, etc. It is very important to know in itself why you are paying for what you are paying for.

Number two, what are the property charges or maintenance fees? when we decide to acquire real estate in a condominal regime, there are generally additional maintenance fees for common areas and so on.
Number three, what are the stages of construction? The budget as construction progresses must be considered in parallel. It is essential to know the stages and ask the agent for the specific dates of them so that the client also has the certainty that the delivery and reception of the property will take place in the established time.
The following question is linked to how the delivery-reception will be carried out and is, likewise, related to question number 1, the clients must be assured that what was previously described is exactly what is finally being delivered to them. This will be specified in the letter of intentions.
Question number 5 is what are the characteristics of the property? Related also to question number one, square meters of land and construction, how many spaces does it have, what materials will be used, and this is where the guarantees of the developer come in.
And, last but not least, what if the property is not delivered on time and form on the date stated in the contract? what are the penalties, when will you deliver it to me, what guarantees do I have about the position? While it is true that each situation is different, there are very basic standards that should not be lacking in the buy-sell contract and that protect the customer in case the developer does not deliver as agreed.
That is why it is important to be accompanied by a notary, lawyer or expert in the subject that guides you in the process and analyzes everything corresponding to writings, contract, condominion regime and that everything is legal. At SilMexico, experts at Real Estate, we can lead you so that you can only enjoy your new acquisition.