Wednesday, August 16, 2023
By Ing. Valentin Santiago Osorio
Civil Engineer in SILMÉXICO
The first roads were built due to the need to move from one point to another, later the roads were used for religious purposes, trade, and conquest.
A little history…
On October 17, 1925, the celebrations of Roadman’s Day began, under the regime of General Plutarco Elías Calles, on this date the National Road Commission was created.
In 2022, the IMT and the SICT carried out the validation of road infrastructure, having 176,984 km of paved highways, (50,798 km of federal highways, 103 km of state highways, 23,131 km of municipal or private roads, 10,923 km of toll roads, 1,333 toll booths). 528,596 km of unpaved roads (21,731 km of sidewalks). Having a total length of 788,323 km in the national territory.

New Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido highway
Currently, the state of Oaxaca has two major projects active that aim to connect the center of the state with the coast and the isthmus of Tehuantepec. Projects such as the construction of the Barranca larga-Ventanilla highway will allow the movement of people to tourist areas, thereby which increases the demand for spaces to house visitors, thus promoting greater real estate development and economic growth in the area. The development in the coastal region will be greatly benefited by this type of work, whose objective is to reduce the travel time to reach your destination and to be able to enjoy the incomparable Oaxacan beaches that are capable of astonishing thousands of people all year.

What is the importance of the road advance?
From ancient times to the present, the importance of road infrastructure can be recognized anywhere in the world, as it favors the timely delivery of goods and services, reduces costs, promotes the socioeconomic progress of the region, as well as the generation of jobs.
Likewise, it increases competitiveness and improves the quality of life of populations.
It is worth noting that, according to data from the Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT), in Mexico, more than 55% of the total cargo of products and merchandise, as well as more than 90% of passengers (between tourists and travelers) move around this country using the highway infrastructure.
For this reason, in order to continue promoting mobility in the country, as well as its progress, it is of vital importance that the national government, as well as the state ones, continue allocating considerable budgets for the construction of new highways and the improvement of existing ones.