In a previous article, we explained the different construction services that we offer at SilMexico. Among them was mentioned the EIM; Environmental Impact Manifestation. Next, we will tell you what it consists of and its importance.
As human beings, we are used to innovating and to do changes in our surroundings, which should be always thought of as not affecting or affecting as little as possible the environment and its living things such as animals, plants, and the people who live there. That is why, with the purpose of preserving the most possible natural resources, in Mexico, the PROFEPA, which is the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection has created mechanisms to regulate the activities done by man and their impact on the environment.

In Mexico, the General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection (LGEEPA) DEFINES ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT as the “modification of the environment caused by the action of man and nature”. To estimate the modifications to the environment caused by infrastructure projects, there is an instrument called Environmental Impact Assessment, through which the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) evaluates the impact that works or construction will have on the environment (GOB.MX, 2019).
The EIM is a tool of the environmental policy whose object is to prevent, decrease and restore the affectations on the environment, as well as the regulation of works or activities to avoid or reduce the negative effects on the natural environment and on the humans’ health.
It consists of a technical and scientific study that indicates the effects that a work or activity can generate on nature and points out the preventive measures that could minimize the negative effects produced by the execution of developments. This study allows evaluation of environmental feasibility for the execution, manufacturing, commercial, or service investment projects.
It details the condition of the place prior to the start of the project in order to have a comparison of what was the impact or changes that occurred on the environment after carrying out the construction, and likewise, proposes strategies to reduce or prevent damage already caused or possible future alterations.
The EIM should be presented to the SEMARNAT for its evaluation and authorization. Once authorized, the PROFEPA will be in charge of verifying that the established terms and conditions are accomplished.
That is the reason why, every time it is necessary to carry out projects that are kind to the environment, a key step in human evolution is sustainable construction and development.
GOB.MX, Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Medio Ambiente (2019) ¿Qué es la Manifestación de Impacto ambiental (MIA)? https://www.gob.mx/profepa/articulos/manifestacion-de-impacto-ambiental-mia#:~:text=11)-,%C2%BFQu%C3%A9%20es%20la%20Manifestaci%C3%B3n%20de%20Impacto%20Ambiental%20(MIA)%3F,y%20en%20la%20salud%20humana.
Written by Jessica Hernández.